Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cedar Farm

I’m not a parent but I do have friends who are. So I get to go to kids parties, as a spectator, once in a while.

It suits me just fine! I get to watch their kids eat loads of sugar, run around like headless chickens and just go mad. And then I get to say goodbye and go home to my quiet house, and sit with my very calm cat.

On Sunday, I went to my bff’s son’s party at Cedar Farm, on Cedar Ave. what a fun place!! They have a big property and lots of cute farmyard animals. There is a thatched area where they have a bar (that you stock) and tables and chairs. There’s a sand pit, jungle gym and they can put up a jumping castle. So perfect for kids and (very tired) parents! The staff were great and friendly and seemed to have everything well organised.

The animals were the highlight for me! They had three baby bunnies (SOOOOO cute!) and a batch of baby piggys (stinky, but also SOOOO cute!!). There were also two ducks, a very loud cock, a pony, a sheep and some grown up bunnies and piggys.

So if you’re looking for a kids venue – though I reckon it would work for grown-ups too – this is a great place to go!

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