Monday, March 12, 2012

A little piece of doggy heaven

The other day I ventured out to Walkhaven Dog Park with the Muppet (and his 3 gorgeous girls) and Princess S (and his little dog). It’s outside Joburg, over the N14 in Muldersdrift. According to their site, it’s a 22 hectare property – having no sense of size and distance, I am going to assume that’s HUGE! Because it looked like it.

You arrive and are greeted by all sorts of dogs… big, small, gay, straight, you name it, they have it! As long as you have 4 legs (even that’s optional) and are of the canine variety, this is the place for you! (and they are obviously welcome to bring their ‘owners’ aka the people – who have the money and the food.)

Once you’ve paid, you’re free to make use of the area, including a dam, a wetland (mud pit) and an area of really long grass, where once in a while a dog pops up, doing a rabbit impression. Most of the dogs are well behaved and well socialised, though there’s always one who just doesn’t fit in. It’s mostly a leash-free environment, so the dogs get to run around and just go crazy.  They swim, chase balls, sniff each other, you know, the usual dog stuff.

There is also a picnic area and a restaurant where you can order food and drinks and just relax. There is even a doggie spa, where they can get washed and pampered after a tough day of being a dog.

On the “puppy hugging” side of things, Walkhaven also do their bit by doing fundraising and creating awareness about animal welfare organisations.

So, if you have dogs and want to treat them to a day out, this is a great place!

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